1. The scriptures of the Holy Bible are the inspired, infallible, authoritative Word of God.
2. In Christ, that he came to earth, lived, died and rose from the grave.
3. That all of us have sinned, and that redemption and atonement can only come through Christ.
4. In the spiritual unity of believers in the Lord Jesus Christ and in the importance of one's own church for worship, service and missions.
Metro Academy believes these four precepts are basic to the Christian faith. Matters of doctrinal differences or personal interpretation are left up to the parents and churches.
All families who wish to participate with Metro Academy will be asked to agree with the 4 precepts above at the time of registration. If there is any reason that you cannot in good conscience make that agreement, but still wish to participate in the Metro Academy programs, please contact the Metro Academy Board at metromavsboard@yahoo.com to discuss possibilities.
Coaches Guidelines:
Medical Release Policy/Concussions
When an injury requiring a doctor’s care occurs, athletes must obtain a doctor’s clearance before the athlete will be allowed to participate in athletics.
In accordance with KSHSAA guidelines, the Mavs will abide by the following procedures in regard to head injury:
Parent Guidelines
Athlete Guidelines
As an athlete with the Metro Academy Mavericks, much will be expected of you. The sport you are engaged in will require both physical and mental endurance. As an athlete, you should recognize the importance of working hard, encouraging teammates, and setting goals to build endurance. Most sports are momentum games, which comes from the mental aspect of play. Therefore, it is important to work as a team, think as a team, and perform as a team.
As a representative of the Mavs, you will be expected to exhibit a character of respect, self-control, self-discipline, and integrity in all of your interactions related to this team. Players who do these things gain the respect of their team and coaches, and invariably see more playing time.